GroLab™ GroNode Firmware Update v1.0.6.16
November 8, 2021
Today we released a new firmware version for GroNode, a GroLab™ module. Below you can find the release notes for this version.
Release Notes:
- Added power-fail protection to the RGB and Buzzer initializing;
- Added power-fail protection to Alarms and Schedules whenever SPIFlash is used;
- Added a new type of e-mail notifications for warning the user about unstable communication between modules;
- Added an excessive e-mail notifications protection when a module is experiencing communication issues with GroNode, now when a module loses communication 3 times in 5 minutes, GroNode will not send e-mail notifications regarding the state of that module for 1 hour;
- Added a max quota system to limit the number o e-mail notifications per hour (max of 20 e-mail notifications per hour);
- Added Alarms and Schedules state to the cloud upload JSON;
- Improved RGB and Buzzer initializing;
- Improved general exceptions debugging;
- Improved the e-mail notifications handling for the default/bogus e-mail addresses;
- Improved the Areas’ Day/Night transition;
- Improved communication between GroNode and GroLab Software;
- Improved Areas/Grows power consumption calculation;
- Improved clearing of all Schedules and Alarms;
- Improved data consistency check when reading from flash;
- Improved the handling of Alarms that are based on a timed action, when changing GroNode clock, now when changing GroNode clock the devices related with those Alarms will be turned OFF and those Alarms will restart;
- Complete review and improvement of e-mail notifications subject, header, content, and footer;
- Complete review and improvement of Alarm editing features while Alarm is active/running, in short, now it’s possible to make changes without resetting the Alarm activity, except when changing the total time ON of an Alarm based on a timed action;
- Decreased the waiting time for the communications with modules, thus improving overall performance;
- Changed the handling of Modules’ state e-mail notifications when GroNode starts, now it waits 1 minute before sending this type of notification, after that period it sends the notifications for the Modules that are offline;
- Fixed a rare case that could cause a timed action to not be triggered by the Alarm after disabling/enabling it;
- Fixed duplicated e-mail notifications associated with Areas’ Day/Night transition and Modules’ state;
- Fixed sending e-mail notifications for some General Alarms even with the General Alarms Notifications option disabled;
- Fixed some internal verifications of modules firmware version;
- Fixed a case that would make an Area stuck to its current Day/Night configuration after changing the GroNode’s clock to the past;
- Fixed a rare exception caused by receiving corrupted/incorrect data from TCP commands;
- Fixed requesting LED settings from old PowerBots (Hardware version 2) that do not support this feature;
- Several minor fixes related to e-mail notifications;
- Other minor changes and improvements.