Atualização do Software GroLab™
Maio 3, 2017
Hoje lançámos uma nova versão do Software GroLab™. Em baixo, poderás encontrar a lista de alterações desta versão.
Release notes:
- Overall performance and communications improved;
- Experimental feature to remember last charts/cameras windows position when closing GroLab;
- Fixed showing updates available tray notifications after updating everything;
- Fixed concurrency between GroNode sockets that was causing to show wrong output state after turning it on/off;
- Fixed an issue that was causing an error on the user first attempt to manually turn on/off devices;
- Fixed not properly filtering modules that are still waiting IO values;
- Fixed minor issues related with alarms/schedules filters;
- Fixed minor bug related with format flash on loading;
- Fixed minor visual bug related with close button on IO calibration window;
- Fixed not removing heater from area main when changing heater to another type or changing area on module settings;
- Fixed several bugs/issues related with add/edit/delete area/grow;
- Fixed not refreshing all alarms after deleting an alarm;
- Fixed extra sensors/devices panel blinks on Grow Control;
- Fixed editing wrong sensor polarity on Grow Control;
- Fixed a crash when opening “other input” sensor chart;
- Fixed showing tank on Grow Control when grows doesn’t have tank devices/sensors;
- Fixed sensors/devices filters by area/grow on alarm/Schedule creation/edition
- Fixed showing tank on Grow Control when grows doesn’t have tank devices/sensors;
- Fixed editing UserBot inputs was making the input state to blink (green/red);
- Fixed on/off device state image not updating while mouse hover;
- Fixed changing IO type and choosing to keep alarms was causing schedules to be edited;
- Fixed changing IO type and choosing to keep alarms/schedules was causing to always edit schedule and alarm from index zero;
- Fixed changing IO type that belongs to an alarm/schedule it was changing alarm/schedule area/grow ids to zero;
- Fixed not updating some sensors/device on extras panel on Grow Control;
- Fixed some tool-tips after enabling/disabling schedule/alarm;
- Fixed not changing tool-tip for enable/disable alarm button after enabling/disabling alarm;
- Fixed not updating module firmware version info after upgrading firmware;
- Fixed not being able to reconnect with GroNode when using external connection;
- Fixed some rare issues after formating flash/alarms/schedules during loading operation that was causing to not load all data from GroNode;
- Minor fixes when restoring default GroLab settings;
- Added support to several date formats and to Celsius/Fahrenheit configurable at settings menu;
- Added security settings to modules menu in order to set devices shutdown policy;
- Added schedules type filters;
- Added new nutrients section (advanced tank configurations) on area/grow creation/edition menu;
- Added a protection to do not insert a NaN number on database;
- Added French language;
- Added SoilBot firmware upgrade button;
- Added current area and grow day to Grow Control;
- Added message on top of alarms/schedules panel when some alarms/schedules are not visible because filters, also if user click on this message all filters are reseted;
- Added tray notification when the notifications e-mail is not configured on GroNode, it will appear every hour;
- Added extra power on area creator/editor menu in order to represent the power needed for extra devices;
- Added some missing tool-tips;
- Added an option to perform modules backup on custom firmware upgrade;
- Added whats new slide to About section;
- Added forbidden security alarm edition message when user try to enable/disable alarm buzzer/notifications when security alarm is active or waiting for validation.
- Added multi-language to UserBot devices/sensors list titles;
- Added an protection to do not allow user to edit sensors/devices while security alarms are active or waiting validation;
- Remade chart trend formula in order to give a more precise trend;
- Remade area/grow power calculation for area creator/editor menu and Grow Control;
- Remade progress bars calculation for timer alarms;
- Implemented DPI handling in order to maintain standard GroLab visuals on different DPI scales;
- Implemented COM port communication: this will check if the module to upgrade is connected to PC and the respective port will be automatically selected;
- Implemented a way to remember last area/grow viewed on Grow Control in order to keep it when user change menu and then come back to Grow Control;
- Improved GroNode firmware upgrade operation;
- Improved alarms/schedules filtering feature;
- Clicking on security alert at Grow Control will take user to the alarms panel and will filter the alarms by security type;
- Changed default GroLab settings restoring operation in order to ask user to type current password as a security confirmation;
- Changed tray notifications icons based on message;
- Changed top right buttons from charts/cameras, now they will be resized based on window mode (mini/normal);
- Changed order that alarms/schedules are displayed, now they are ordered by type and name;
- Removed extra devices/sensors panel on Grow Control when there are no extra devices/sensors;
- Removed lamp type configuration (HPS, LED, …) on light settings at area/grow creator/editor menu, now case its Indoor the lamp type will be set based on area main light device type, case its Outdoor the type will be set to sun;
- Increased the timeout when formating GroNode’s flash;
- Updated drag and drop feature on area creator/editor menu in order to preserve extra devices/sensors;
- Updated visuals;
- Updated about section and included what’s new slider;
- Updated alarms panel to include alarm output area/grow ids;
- Other minor changes and improvements;