
On the left side a front view of GroNode, the core module (brain) of the GroLab™ grow controller, on the right the text "GroNode Firmware Update" and an update icon

Atualização de Firmware do GroLab™ GroNode v1.0.6.9

Hoje lançámos uma nova versão de firmware para o GroNode, o módulo principal do sistema GroLab™. Em baixo poderás encontrar a lista de alterações desta versão.


Lista de Alterações:

  • Added more information to several e-mail notifications;
  • Implemented Internet connectivity check;
  • Implemented e-mail service connectivity check;
  • Implemented e-mail status, that provides feedback regarding potential issues with e-mail notifications;
  • Changing the GroNode clock to 15 minutes or more before the current time clears the stored data-logs to preserve data consistency;
  • Fixed updating unnecessary GroNode data when receiving updated settings from GroLab Software;
  • Fixed not turning off the buzzer when an Alarm (custom time mode with specific conditions) becomes inactive;
  • Fixed not properly rescheduling Alarms with custom time mode and specific actions;

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