Open Grow™ awarded in the 4INOVA2 innovation contest with the project “GroLab Mobile”
During the last weeks, Open Grow™ was present in the 4INOVA2 innovation contest.
4INOVA2 is a Portuguese contest that highlights the best business projects valued by business innovation and the development of new products.
This contest consisted of several stages, with the aim of selecting the best projects from the four regions involved (Beira Baixa, Beiras, Serra da Estrela, and Douro).
The CEO and Founder of Open Grow™, João Melo, successfully presented his finalist project “GroLab Mobile”, in the panel “Final of the regional contest for innovative business projects”.
This project was awarded the Regional Prize for Innovative Business Projects. Thus, access was guaranteed to dispute its place at a national level!
On the 24th of March, the Prize Giving Ceremony of the 4INOVA2 contest took place. We were present at this innovation initiative where we presented our regional winning project and received the prize for our participation in the contest.
We are very pleased and honored to see our project “GroLab Mobile” be part of the award-winning projects of the contest and to represent our region together with AIRV – Associação Empresarial da Região de Viseu!
We take the opportunity to thank all the entities that made 4INOVA a reality and for the opportunity to participate in the contest!