GroLab™ Software Update
December 5, 2017
Today we released a new GroLab™ Software version. Below you can find the release notes for this version.
Release notes:
- Implemented extra devices/sensors management to Area/Grow editor/creator wizard;
- Implemented single time execution mode to Schedules/Alarms;
- Implemented peristaltic calibration;
- Implemented custom time Alarms;
- Implemented action time type on Irrigation and Security Alarms;
- Implemented device Security Cooldown time;
- Implemented export data logs to file;
- Added delete data logs button to GroNode settings;
- Added support to GroNode v1.0.6.0;
- Added support to TankBot hardware 9;
- Added missing texts and tooltips;
- Added GroNode date/time and state to Alarms editor/creator wizard;
- Added full backup feature to loading operation in order to restore backups after firmware upgrade (case its needed);
- Added default Security Cooldown time based on device;
- Added manual module firmware installation on troubleshoot section;
- Added the possibility to create a Schedule to pump an amount of milliliters using a peristaltic pump;
- Remade module sensor/device configuration wizard;
- Removed OxiBot from modules section;
- Fixed minor issues when changing Schedule start/end/duration/recurrence time while recurrence is enabled;
- Fixed an issue with cameras data consistency check;
- Fixed a rare bug on Grow configuration (adding some devices/sensors was not assigning the correct ids);
- Fixed EC units on charts from “us” to “ms”;
- Fixed minor visual issues related with Schedules;
- Fixed minor issues adding/deleting/editing Areas/Grows;
- Fixed issues related with modules import/export settings;
- Fixed several bugs related with Area/Grow filters;
- Fixed minor issues related with Alarms creator wizard;
- Improved Area day/night;
- Improved data consistency check;
- Improved automatic GroNode search;
- Improved loading operation;
- Improved COM port handling;
- Improved GroNode firmware recovery: if no info about previously connected GroNode or the available firmware to apply can cause some data loss, ask user if he really wants to proceed;
- Minor visual improvements;
- Now its not possible to use internal PowerBot temperature as main Area temperature;
- Now its possible to choose week days on Light Schedules;
- Now when clicking on G1 or G2 buttons on Area editor/creator wizard will open default Grow section;
- Now changing from a peristaltic to other type will clear the calibration parameters and update Schedules/Alarms;
- Now will only ask to delete data logs if GroNode memory usage is equal or higher than 10%;
- Now it is possible to create an Alarm if user have at least one device or e-mail notifications configured;
- (DEMO) Now its possible to access peristaltic calibration on demo mode;
- (DEMO) Now its possible to configure device Security Cooldown on demo mode;
- Updated Security Alarms descriptions;
- Updated languages;
- Other minor changes and improvements;