GroLab™ Software Update
April 17, 2020
Today we released a new GroLab™ Software version. Below you can find the release notes for this version.
Release notes:
- Added module status LED settings (now it’s possible to turn off the module status LED);
- Added new supported sensors (Pressure and Other Measurement Sensor);
- Added support to CO2, Pressure and Other Sensor types to the UserBot;
- Added speed configuration to UserBot devices (Peristaltic Pumps, LEDs, Other Output, Water Pump, Ventilation In/Out, Ventilator…);
- Added the e-mail authentication status to also be taken into consideration when setting the e-mail status icon on the GroNode settings;
- Added Import/Export settings feature to the UserBot (also available in Demo Mode);
- Added new PowerBot mini icons (now they are coherent with the new hardware versions);
- (DEMO MODE) Added the new sensor types to the UserBot so users can try them;
- Updated UserBot panel visuals and mini-icons;
- Updated visuals for ‘Other Sensor’ type, as well as its name, now it’s called ‘Other Switch Sensor’;
- Updated visuals for battery sensor type;
- Updated sensors panel from IO type selection to also support vertical scroll;
- Updated area/grow extras restrictions to also support battery state inputs;
- Updated languages;
- (DEMO MODE) Updated to ensure all the latest features are available in demo mode;
- (DEMO MODE) Updated module security settings to allow it in Demo Mode;
- Changed the warning message when upgrading GroNode firmware and it’s required to format memory;
- Changed the size of the UserBot inputs value labels to fully display the values and units (CO2 with 4 digits wasn’t showing ‘ppm’);
- Changed the schedule name font (at schedules panel) to bold to be coherent with the alarms visuals;
- Changed the device’s speed range on UserBot to 4-255;
- Changed the speed and cool-down features restriction on UserBot, now it’s required to have UserBot firmware version equal or higher than and GroNode firmware version equal or higher than;
- Changed the PowerBot image on modules firmware troubleshoot to be coherent with hardware version;
(DEMO MODE) Changed the GroNode firmware/hardware label to display ‘DEMO MODE’; - Removed horizontal scroll-ball from the UserBot IO’s panels;
- Fixed not updating area night/day duration after editing area using the regular day/night;
- Fixed being able to click on input’s value at UserBot panel;
- Fixed some issues with the ‘CO2 Sensor’ type;
- Fixed being able to choose any kind of output for irrigation alarm’s output condition;
- Fixed dragging out extras IOs on Area editor and not scrolling up to make the ones that are still there visible;
- Fixed visual glitches in the UserBot panel;
- Fixed long IO names on UserBot not fully visible;
- Fixed some texts not fully displaying, font resizing wasn’t being properly applied;
- Fixed showing double confirmation message, in some cases, when disabling/enabling schedules;
- Fixed/improved lots of functions to enable/disable/remove stuff in alarms and schedules from the main menu panels (it should be less prone to block);
- Fixed area/grow names and current days not fully visible at the overview section;
- Fixed missing a protection rule when importing TankBot settings from file;
- Other minor fixes and improvements;