Open Grow™ awarded in the 4INOVA2 innovation contest with the project “GroLab Mobile”
During the last weeks, Open Grow™ was present in the 4INOVA2 innovation contest.4INOVA2 is a Portuguese contest that highlights the best business projects valued by business innovation and the development of new products.This contest consisted of several stages, with the aim of selecting the best...
Open Grow™ won the 2nd place prize in the 4INOVA Contest – Technology & Processes Category
During the last weeks Open Grow™ was present on the 4INOVA contest.This contest gathered several companies, which competed for the innovation awards. 🔬It is a great honor for us to be part of the rewarded companies, Open Grow™ won the 2nd place prize in the...
Open Grow™ won Bet24 Hardware & IoT contest
A year passes and Open Grow™ adds another achievement to its history. This time GroLab™ was the protagonist at Bet24 where multiple Hardware projects were fighting for the first position.The year of 2017 is already full of achievements and prizes, we suspect the rest of...
Open Grow™ annual indoor photography contest
The official Open Grow™ annual indoor photography contest is now open. Everyone can participate, just access and follow the instructions below:...
GroLab™ won the Best Product Contest at Cannafest Prague 2016
This was our first time at Cannafest Prague and it was a great experience, without any doubts this is one of best hemp fairs in the world. Thanks to the Cannafest organization for the opportunity and all the support.We also participated on Cannafest 2016 Best...